Estimated Delivery
We always aim to deliver the ordered products within 10 working days. However, depending on the popularity of the ordered goods, they might need to be sourced directly from the manufacturer. This is to ensure the highest quality of products at an affordable price. The saving is always reflected in the retail price. If you require a more precise delivery time, please email us in advance at
We advise that you don't hire builders until the product is delivered. We cannot guarantee the delivery date that you have received with your order but we aim to give you a very close estimated date based on our suppliers and inventory.
From time to time products may be out of stock and it may be impossible to dispatch within 10 days, if this is the case we will inform you by email and give you the option to wait on the arrival of new stock, or we will offer you an alternative item. If you require a certain item to be dispatched sooner, please contact us as in many cases items can be dispatched sooner.
Cancellation of an Order
Once an order has been placed a shipment cannot be cancelled. You may however return the unopened item back, after delivery. The price of the product will be refunded back to you as soon as the product has reached our depot and has been checked to ensure that it has not been used or damaged in transit. You will be responsible for the product until it reaches our depot so it is advised you use tracked delivery.
Acceptance of Delivery
When a delivery has reached its destination, we advise you to check up on delivery for product damage. If the product is damaged do not accept the delivery and contact our head office 0899731606. If you already accepted the delivery and noticed that some products are missing or they are damaged, let us know as soon as possible. You can also contact us by simply emailing us at